Tuesday, January 8, 2008

yo tengo frustraciones!

They are those moments throughout the day that, if you took a step back and watched yourself, in a freeze- frame Zach Morris kinda way, you would probably get a kick out of yourself. It really is funny, although at the time, your beet red with frustration and feel more like spitting nails than spewing giggly rainbows. For me, its our door that my blessed father, who ironically is in construction, put up backwards. I usually have about five arm loads of crap clenched in my stressed out, ashy fingers as I try to enter my house. Because our screen door opens backwards there is about a two inch space to squeeze my obnoxiously large keychain (which includes five mysterious keys and a rusted clip on bottle of mace) to unlock the door. I usually balance my five loads of crap in my right arm while twisting my left wrist to open the door. I dread unlocking that blasted door everytime I get home.

Here's a small list of frustrating everyday things:

1. Untimely allergy attacks
2. Folding fitted sheets
3. Untimely allergy attack while folding fitted sheets
4. Dry hands that "pick" at soft fabric (agh!)
5. Walking to and from the beach *esp with too much gear... cooler, chair, towels, unnecessary oils etc)
6. Being genuinely angry while having the hiccups (nobody takes you serious when you have the hiccups)

Feel free to add on, what is that one or two or too many things that just frustrate you during your day. Think about it, write about it, and then you'll most likely laugh about it.


Michelle said...

When all my friends got a Rickards Christmas Letter and I didn't. Nope. Didn't work. Still not laughing...


bEka said...

awww.... i agree that is not funny at all. i must say though, i wrote the letter then i said hands off, mailing was not my thing... however, i'm not sure they have all been sent, what is your address, i will personally mail it, or better yet, invite me and my sis over and we'll bring it!

Rebekah said...

Hey here is one that you will apprecitate! When you open the sanitizer and your glasses fog all up... that sucks! Oh, and I didn't receive a letter either... :( (very sad) ( i still check the mailbox every day...) Talk to you soon!

bEka said...

my staff... i mean family disappoints me... post your address and i will make sure you get one!
and yes! that is so annoying when the ole glasses fog up, i feel like i'm being "picked on" in a schoolyard or something.. ha.. in general i hate having dry hands at work, it drives me crazy!

Reaghan said...

hey michelle i made the Christmas card list and your on it but we still have a stack of letters we don't know the addresses and your one of the so if you email it to me i'll personally do it! i already have one ready to know just not your address! we didn't forget you!!

Reaghan said...
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Michelle said...

Yessssss!!! I'll email ya now Reaghan.

Michelle said...

I just finished reading the card I received in the mail today and I loved it. Thanks! :)