Monday, April 21, 2008

Sorry Guys

Sorry it's been a while since I last blogged. I promise to update things after exam week! AGH!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


did you miss me? sorry it has been so long... i haven't been able to access the internet on my computer for quite some time. just an update... i actually for the first time in about 6 months am not sick. woo hoo! thanks guys for all the tips zyrtec, neti pot, vitamins, sleep, etc etc... all great advice that helped.

although i haven't been SICK SICK. I did wake up on easter morning thinking i was struck with blindness. i thought i was opening my eyes... but i couldn't see anything... thats because my eyes were so swollen shut. my dad took me to the doctor... i have BLEPHARITIS... sounds made up huh>? I thought so... its just a really bad infection/allergy of the eye. the weeks leading up to it my eyes were constantly watering and getting little crustations in the corner... ( love the details yeah?) then BAM! it pretty much felt like Satan mixed up a vinegar, hot sauce, paper cut, extra salt cocktail and dumped it in my eyeballs... it really sucked.. and my eyes still itch and are irritated but at least i can see and they're not swollen.

anyway, thats what has been up with me... thanks for checking in... ( esp katie and mrs. myhill)