Sunday, November 15, 2009


come enjoy an afternoon of chuckles with me and check out my new original film: DIXIE DOWN


december 12, 2009
2:00pm UDT, Norfolk

check out the trailer:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

old people love

so why is it so moving when you see an old couple walking hand in hand? i am not an overly emotional person, however I do consider myself a thinker. a contemplator if you will. i love to watch people and think about what their lives are all about (out of context this could be entirely creepy).

it never ceases to affect me when i see a romance, a relationship, far established beyond the boundaries of time and trial... not that they just still legally share the same name, put up with one another... but truly love each other. i don't know any sort of affection like this.

perhaps because they have lived past fleeting passion, the rut of mid life mundane, and have finally come out the other side of true companionship. they like each other. a lot. like the seemingly countless ridges and wrinkles that increase by year on the back of each hand intertwined... they know this soul. this person. more than anything that might venture to compete.

i love to see old couples walking hand in hand... mabe not if i'm directly behind them at the grocery store... because then they're just slow... but i like to watch them at a distance to remind myself of true companionship. and to hope one day i might experience the same.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Am I the only one?

I think it's very sad when people pass away... especially when they're young... or by some sort of sudden or tragic event, such as a heart attack. Of course I am sad for the loss of Michael Jackson... he influenced the entertainment world like no other... music and dance changed forever from his unique style and execution.

I don't mean to be insensitive, however, but did everybody forget he was a child molester? I'm not trying to be a jerk or come down on Michael Jackson... but it kind of surprises me how when people die, in general, everybody is so quick to forget their offenses and want to reflect on the good... which in a sense is noble I suppose... no need to bring up all his past issues at a time to celebrate the good in his life... but seriously..

I feel like a week or two ago if we were to see him on the news we all roll our eyes thinking about what a whack job he was and flip the channel... now all the sudden people are crying and losing sleep?

Again, I'm not trying to be insensitive... especially as an artist I do respect him tremendously as an artist... but come on guys... he wasn't exactly an A class citizen. Thats all I'm gonna say.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i wish a had a peg leg

Contrary to popular opinion, peg legs aren't so bad. In fact, they're quite useful. Here is a list of all the ways a peg leg would make your day brighter.

1. You might look like a pirate... everyone secretly loves pirates... including parrots. ARG

2. You're baking cookies, its time to roll out that dough. "Where is the rolling pin"!? One might ask... well, look down.

3. Hopscotch... draw your own conclusions.

4. Sidewalk chalk? Sharpen that puppy up, dip in some lead.... a giant pencil.

5. "Peg Leg" it rhymes... it has a nice ring to it. So original. "Here comes peg leg"

FEEL free to add to the list... I'm so curious.

Monday, June 8, 2009

still trying times

stillness. quiet. loneliness. are these words that naturally sooth my soul? do i desire to be still, quiet and even lonely? sometimes. usually when life is whirling around me at a pace difficult to absorb- let alone appreciate- i ache for quiet. however, when life deals you a significant time of stillness. it is almost too much for me to bare.
coming down from the high of an unbelievably fast paced, thrill-filled semester... to almost a screeching halt has been an excruciating adjustment... one that i still find difficult to swallow. (which proves to be a quite painful pun as of late... i have been sick... then sick again with the same irritating cold for weeks now). the feeling of over productivity and steady, accelerating progression this past spring semester surely set me up for this crash.
i have so much free time. me- in a different state of mind- would kill for so much time at my disposal. yet unfortunately thats how it feels lately... at disposal. the feeling of wanting... even needing to accomplish tasks... yet feeling so unmotivated and uninspired to do so some days overwhelms me. some would call this depression? i conclude it is a bit of post graduate reality setting in. it is so easy to wait for the next semester, the next class, the next exam... but what happens when the next is unsure?

i seek peace of mind. i'm looking for inspiration. i'm looking for motivation. i know this summer can be what i set out and make it to be. i resolve to make as successfully as this past semester. however my mind and will are not on the same page.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

you laugh because it's true

So lately I've been considering the significance of humor. Is it significant? How is it significant? I have always appreciated the funnier things of life... even things that aren't necessarily supposed to be humorous. So I'm funny. So what? How is this significant? I feel sometimes those with the gift of making beautiful mabe even somber things are more important than those of us who can cleverly spin something in a funnier light. I listen to artists like Lauryn Hill speak and sing of heavy hearted real things... she does it so beautifully... so thoughtfully... so seriously. I love and appreciate that... sometimes I wish I had that kind of gifting.
Somebody told me recently, while discussing this very topic, that Second City (a comedy improv training center in Chicago) has a slogan that round about says "You laugh because its true". Humor, she was saying, is so significant because it is truth... broken into bite size pieces... something a bit more tangible- or "edible"- to us.
I often consider how similar laughing and crying is. These emotions are such opposite extremes that they leave one another and circle back around to meet. Laughing and crying... so similar... the line is very fine.
So what if you're funny? Does it matter? A career- a craft in humor- is indeed an art... and in some sense truth.
Just some thoughts I've been thinking.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

support local ART

Come out next weekend to support the local art scene... LAST TIME ( HERE ) ... are selected works from D.A.M.E. a local modern dance company associated with choreographer/artistic director MINA ESTRADA.
I would love to see you... my family and friends... support something that is such an important part of my life.

Come prepared to think, be moved, evolve.

Monday, April 27, 2009

lonely extremity

"The modern idea of a Great Man is one who stands at the lonely extremity of some single line of development--"

Monday, April 6, 2009


what are your thoughts when you hear this word? what do you associate with it? is it sexual? is it emotional? is it philosophical? what images pop in your head? what other words would you pair with it? what quotes or scripture would you associate with "stripped". i'm curious to read your thoughts...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Situation

Olga and I rehearsing for the duet we will perform, representing ODU, at ACDFA at Hollins college this week. WISH US LUCK!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe for sale

Let me know if you're interested...