Tuesday, May 19, 2009

you laugh because it's true

So lately I've been considering the significance of humor. Is it significant? How is it significant? I have always appreciated the funnier things of life... even things that aren't necessarily supposed to be humorous. So I'm funny. So what? How is this significant? I feel sometimes those with the gift of making beautiful mabe even somber things are more important than those of us who can cleverly spin something in a funnier light. I listen to artists like Lauryn Hill speak and sing of heavy hearted real things... she does it so beautifully... so thoughtfully... so seriously. I love and appreciate that... sometimes I wish I had that kind of gifting.
Somebody told me recently, while discussing this very topic, that Second City (a comedy improv training center in Chicago) has a slogan that round about says "You laugh because its true". Humor, she was saying, is so significant because it is truth... broken into bite size pieces... something a bit more tangible- or "edible"- to us.
I often consider how similar laughing and crying is. These emotions are such opposite extremes that they leave one another and circle back around to meet. Laughing and crying... so similar... the line is very fine.
So what if you're funny? Does it matter? A career- a craft in humor- is indeed an art... and in some sense truth.
Just some thoughts I've been thinking.


Catherine said...

Awesome thoughts, Bek. Hard to come up with "comment-sized" responses to these deep questions. I wonder about this stuff too. As artists we can fall into extremes of either seeing only the goodness, light-hearted, sweetness(??) OR the tough, gritty harshness of this world. Neither is completely true or "more true" than the other.

As you say, humour - on the surface - might fall into the first category. But I think it can span both and, as you know, can deal with some pretty serious subject matter while bringing joy to people too.

Good to ponder and wrestle with this stuff. Love it.


bEka said...

thanks for your thoughts. i love to know what other people think.

Jessica Rockey said...

Yeah... humor is very important... I agree with the 'truth' statement, but it's also an experience thing. Just think... Waiting for Guffman isn't as funny to those who have never experienced that sort of thing... ie... running thru nursing homes in feathers and fishnets... TMCJ... dancing for the opening of the new elephant exhibit at the zoo (how ironic?!)all of those 'small things' that we take SO SERIOUSLY at the time.

Also ,I was thinking, the key to a great sense of humor is NOT taking one's self too seriously. Being able to laugh at yourself is a very vulnerable place to be... people who struggle with a sense a security tend to be less funny.

Oh well, Evangeline agrees... and she thinks you're pretty funny. Love you!

bEka said...

EVANGELINE! we need to take our picture