Saturday, July 18, 2009

old people love

so why is it so moving when you see an old couple walking hand in hand? i am not an overly emotional person, however I do consider myself a thinker. a contemplator if you will. i love to watch people and think about what their lives are all about (out of context this could be entirely creepy).

it never ceases to affect me when i see a romance, a relationship, far established beyond the boundaries of time and trial... not that they just still legally share the same name, put up with one another... but truly love each other. i don't know any sort of affection like this.

perhaps because they have lived past fleeting passion, the rut of mid life mundane, and have finally come out the other side of true companionship. they like each other. a lot. like the seemingly countless ridges and wrinkles that increase by year on the back of each hand intertwined... they know this soul. this person. more than anything that might venture to compete.

i love to see old couples walking hand in hand... mabe not if i'm directly behind them at the grocery store... because then they're just slow... but i like to watch them at a distance to remind myself of true companionship. and to hope one day i might experience the same.