Saturday, July 18, 2009

old people love

so why is it so moving when you see an old couple walking hand in hand? i am not an overly emotional person, however I do consider myself a thinker. a contemplator if you will. i love to watch people and think about what their lives are all about (out of context this could be entirely creepy).

it never ceases to affect me when i see a romance, a relationship, far established beyond the boundaries of time and trial... not that they just still legally share the same name, put up with one another... but truly love each other. i don't know any sort of affection like this.

perhaps because they have lived past fleeting passion, the rut of mid life mundane, and have finally come out the other side of true companionship. they like each other. a lot. like the seemingly countless ridges and wrinkles that increase by year on the back of each hand intertwined... they know this soul. this person. more than anything that might venture to compete.

i love to see old couples walking hand in hand... mabe not if i'm directly behind them at the grocery store... because then they're just slow... but i like to watch them at a distance to remind myself of true companionship. and to hope one day i might experience the same.


Diane said...

For a second I thought that picture was Fred and I!!

arunnerlearningtofly said...

what a poignant post, bek! I too love to see elderly couples who are still so in love. =)

arunnerlearningtofly said...

oops! I am posting under my hubby's gmail account. it's Lizzy!!! lol

Jessica Rockey said...

Funny Lizzy! I was thinking.. "Wow, what a tender guy... that Luke"!

Sis, I cry when I see old people in love like that. I try to imagine their life and all that they've been through...

Davy and I were saying , just the other day, that in a few years you probably won't notice as many old people still together. We were thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Homer and talking about how they probably had their fair share of issues... but in their day, divorce just wasn't an option for them (or at least not as acceptable). I think that deep and genuine love is birthed from the struggles that we go through (definitely true for me and Davy). The same struggles that the previous generations endured, our generation calls 'irreconcilable differences'. Not to be morbid, but it really is a dying generation... but such a beautiful thing to behold and aspire towards.
Glad you stop and notice these things... love you.

Anonymous said...

No too will experience this one day ...and laugh through all those mid-life mundane ruts that many of us struggle through. I'm glad I have you to make me laugh during those'll soon be holding my hand and reminding me of who I am or where I'm going. The circle of life. Love ya, mom

Anonymous said...

Bek--What a sweet post. I'm so used to your humorous side that it's touching to remember who and whose you are. I agree with Jessica, trials make you stronger. Never give up, never give in. Divorce should rarely be an option and instead it has become the "aspirin" for most of the problems in marriages today. Don't feel well, don't look so good, hurting all over? Don't treat the diseased marriage, take a "divorce aspirin" and in 12 months the symptoms are gone! Out the door, bye-bye!
When you're leading your Mom around in later years, remind her who I am and tell her to through water balloons. She'll do it!
Love you, Kim

dove said...

hi beka,

you have got a real good heart. certainly the affection shared by old couples cannot be comprehended. sometimes you come to know while they are living (like this one), Their longeivity is awesome