Saturday, April 5, 2008


did you miss me? sorry it has been so long... i haven't been able to access the internet on my computer for quite some time. just an update... i actually for the first time in about 6 months am not sick. woo hoo! thanks guys for all the tips zyrtec, neti pot, vitamins, sleep, etc etc... all great advice that helped.

although i haven't been SICK SICK. I did wake up on easter morning thinking i was struck with blindness. i thought i was opening my eyes... but i couldn't see anything... thats because my eyes were so swollen shut. my dad took me to the doctor... i have BLEPHARITIS... sounds made up huh>? I thought so... its just a really bad infection/allergy of the eye. the weeks leading up to it my eyes were constantly watering and getting little crustations in the corner... ( love the details yeah?) then BAM! it pretty much felt like Satan mixed up a vinegar, hot sauce, paper cut, extra salt cocktail and dumped it in my eyeballs... it really sucked.. and my eyes still itch and are irritated but at least i can see and they're not swollen.

anyway, thats what has been up with me... thanks for checking in... ( esp katie and mrs. myhill)


Michelle said...

Woah! Sounds intense. Well, you looked great at Jennifers shower. It was good seeing you.

Bekah said...

Awww Bek! Geez! Thats crazy! glad things are getting better for you!

Katherine M. said...

Rebekah, I'm so glad to hear you are feeling good. Keep us current on how you are doing. By the way, you can call me Katherine:)

Kate Thomas. said...

While i am sorry for your agony... It would have been a funny sight!

Jessica Rockey said...

Poor Bek... Always 'blind as a bat' for one reason or another. Sorry to laugh.

Reaghan said...

hahah yeah katie it was a funny sight... but we couldn't laugh cause she would get mad!
haha bek i love you and so glad you're not blind... that would suck!

bEka said...

thanks guys! i'll be sure to keep you guys... as well as you Katherine... ha... updated on the happenings of me...

Catherine said...

Sorry about your crustaceans. Glad you're feeling better. Maybe now you can make it to lunch with me sometime.

Katherine M. said...

Hey, Rebekah, we need a new post. How are you?