Tuesday, May 20, 2008

about those lemons...

hey guys! so here's some tips if you're thinking about doing the "lemonade fast"---

1.) Plan on taking it easy if you choose to take on the no eating feat

2.) You probably shouldn't try to go for a run... due to lack of energy it might be more like going for a skid... on the pavement that is

3.) You probably shouldn't try to do a 90 min HOT YOGA class ( specifically not after "running" and/or Pilates). Why? One might start out in a nice sturdy "Warrior" stance.. and ten unaccounted for minutes later wake up in a pool of sweat gazing, bewildered, at the lovely ceiling sky. ( yes, the ceiling is painted like a blue, fluffy clouded sky)

BOTTOM LINE... the lemonade was actually pretty good... it wasn't as much that I was hungry but I had no energy and then I tried to work out a lot on top of that.... WHICH IS A REALLY DUMB IDEA. Anyway, I recommend it if you can take a week to chill at the beach with a good book.


Michelle said...


Tell me more about hot yoga though. I'm interested.

bEka said...

dude, i love hot yoga.... seriously its the best thing that happened to me this summer... i'm going to be frequenting the Hot House yoga... there is one off 21st st in Norfolk and one in Hilltop... it is exactly what it sounds like... yoga in a 100% room. It is a bit of an adjustment but it is relaxing, strengthening, and is great for flexibility... its expensive but so worth it... call me if you wanna check it out... you can do a week unlimited for $10.00 to see if you like it.

bEka said...

haha.. i meant 100* (degree) not percent... i am so silly.

Ginger said...

hot yoga--yesss! I did that a bit before I started having all the kids. Maybe Ill join you for a week after this little one. So, was your entire yoga class standing above you when you woke up?? Thats crazy!
I dont know why, but I cant stop picturing this lemonade made with crystal light and a little cayenne added to it-- Id probaby cheat and do it that way :)

Mimi said...

Thanks for the update on the Lemonade thing, I was wondering how that was working for you. It was a cleansing thing right? Do you feel cleaner? Great pic, is that you or Jess?

Tell your mom hey for me:)