Thursday, October 4, 2007

viente tres

Well, it's official. I have been 23 for 8 minutes now! Wow. It feels quite amazing. Not really, its about the same. So, "23" just looks and sounds SO OLD to me. I feel like I stopped at age 20ish. I know you older people are rolling your eyes like, "girl, you are still young.... blah blah blah" I'm also aware you youngens are probably like, dang 23? She is old. I know I'm not old, but this is really weird, I'm definitely not prepared for 23. So my question. For you been there done thats... what were you doing at 23??? Good year for you? I hope so! And the youngens... is 23 that old? What do you hope to have accomplished or be at this time? I'm curious.


Ginger said...

Happy birthday!! What are your plans to start this year off? When I was 23, I lived in the Wright's cottage, worked full time at the ocean front, and was pregnant with Reid. Wow--seems you have alot to live up to! :) ha! seriously joking

Michelle said...

23.... Hmmm.... It's kinda hard to remember that far back. I'd graduated from college 2.5 year earlier, bought my first house 1.5 years earlier, I think that is the year I toured Europe with some friends. Yep, and I was working in Commercial Real Estate. In fact, that might have been the year that you guys slept over my place for Katie J.'s bday party. That would be when I met you Beka! hehe.

I remember feeling like I was supposed to be old but didn't feel it. Well, for the record, I still don't feel grown up even though I'm a few weeks away from 32. And to be honest, I like it that way. I am living my life in reverse, growing down so to speak. I was way too mature & responsible for my age in my youth so now I'm loosening up a bit. (The secret is, no one calls it irresponsible b/c I'm an adult now. Shh. Don't tell).

bEka said...

dang, this post was a bad idea... now i'm depressed. just kidding! thats awesome michelle you had accomplished awhole lot at 23! glad you're loosening up... i suppose i could tighten up ;)

ginger- i totally remember you living at the wright's cottage... how weird! my mom likes to remind me at my age she had a baby and was pregnant... wow scary thought me with children...

bEka said...

ALSO. I know its short notice, but I think I'm just going to chill out at my sisters place tonight. SO PLEASE STOP BY. CATHY, MICHELLE, GINGER... WHOEVER. We're probably just gonna eat and party it up.. you know the stuff i'm good at. But really call me or my sister or just come over... I'd love to see my friends on my bday!

Judy said...

Hmmmm, at 23... What was I doing?? Well, I had been a mother for 5 years at that point. A wife for 5 years too. Wowzers. Now I'm 30 & feel like a complete & utter old fart. For real. I'm worried about wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, aches & pains. The list goes on & on.

Judy said...

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday. :)

erin said...

I'm 23 now-high five. Yes, after 21 I started feeling like I was getting old..and yeah, all the 35 yr olds are rolling their eyes. Sorry. I like to remember what my friend Oprah says "50 is the new 30". Oprah makes my future bright.

Happy birthday!

Michelle said...

Bek, I got your text. Funny thing is, I had arrested development on when I got it. haha. I'm going to Chapel Hill this weekend, otherwise I'd LOVE to hang with you. I'm up for a rain check though. Happy Birthday!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! I was married at 23. Aaagghh... can you believe that... so young :) Um, I also got pregnant that year and Libby was born when I was 24. My does time fly! I hope you enjoy it. It's a good year. Enjoy growing (not wider) but in the Lord and in who you are girlfriend. Rock it!


Ginger said...

the kids are out tonight...maybe Ill feel the need to get out of my pjs and me and Mark stop by. Will anyone have a barf bag handy??

Kate Thomas. said...

hey! Im not 23. so I don't have anything to say. Happy birthday. I wish i could stop by tonight.
Question... why it the post say October 4. Isn't your bday today, the 5th? have i had it wrong this whole time?

Reaghan said...

bek, i had a great day with you. let's not wait for another bday to spend the day together. oh yeah! at 23 i had been married to your dad for 5 yrs., had jessica, jacob, and you on the way. i've never been happier. luv mom

Jessica Rockey said...

Hmmm... 23. This was definitely the year my life shifted. We had just gotten home from our trip out west. David and I began courting(for the first time). That was the year I started teaching ballet. It was a wierd year, but very transitional. I learned who my true friends were and established very meaningful relationships that year. Happy Birthday Sis!

bEka said...

hhahaha. mom you need your own blog. i was about to say, reaghan we barely saw each other today. I enjoyed our time too! thank you for making this day special for me!

Catherine said...

Bek, you're 23! You're young, beautiful, smart, healthy and also FREE from things like mortgages and kids which can tie you down.

At 28, I've never been happier. I now have more financial responsibilities than at 23, but I just wish I'd seen life back then like I do now. At 23 I had finished college, was working my first full-time job and wishing that I was in a different season of life than I was. Now I can see how much time I wasted.

There's so much out there to do and experience. You go girl! If I was you I'd enjoy every minute of school, learn and grow and then go travel! Enjoy it!

bEka said...

hey catherine-

thanks. i'm actually really excited about this year, I've briefly talked to you, but I feel a lot of opportunities are opening up. I would love to travel, that is an excellent suggestion. I would love to get up with you for lunch sometime, i'm at school everyday at odu... you still work downtown yeah>? We should meet up sometime

Catherine said...

Yeah - let's do lunch. Yup, still work downtown so it would be really easy to go grab a bite somewhere. let's text...

Kate Van said...

hey bek,
sorry i missed hanging out on Fri. i heard it was quite an adventure with Em's wisdom teeth! i turn 23 in Dec and it seems oldish. everything after 21 seems way too grown up- but everyones growing at the same rate so that makes me feel fine- whatever!!!

meg said...

i think 23 is old.

bEka said...

i think your mom's old

Wendy said...


I am not sure I can actually write on here what I was doing at 23...

Let's just say that was the year that I got serious about truly walking with the Lord and left all my worldly pursuits.

I was not married and I was not pregnant!!!! I lived in MD, graduated college again and got a job teaching in Grasonville MD. It was a transitional year for me.

I hope the year for you is full of conviction, relationship, and fun!!! Love ya